Sunday, February 24, 2008


It was the night before I left
and we’d come back from that
roof-top oceanside bar, both
gotten a kick out of Jeff, living
out of his car, doing anything
to surf — look at those walls, man! —
I don’t know if this was
before the tequila and weezer songs
or after.  I couldn’t get drunk.
We crashed in rooms
opposite sides of the hall
and talked from one to the next.
For twenty minutes, maybe.
I don’t remember what we talked about.
I don’t remember getting up to close the door.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fortune Cookie Diplomacy

And now they’re sayin we got somethin in common.
Because we both know water;
Because carbon is easy.
But carbon isn’t easy;
And water drains away.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Water Co.

When it rains
be reasonable.
Stick out your tongue,
grab a bucket.    God
doesn’t send water bills.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Here I Am, Lougely

If I could translate
To you in words
How much it would hurt
To have my teeth extracted
And crushed with a hammer
Before my very eyes.   It
Might make great art.

I debate instead
With friends
Whether an artist can invent his art;
Whether he can conjure novelty out of his thin air.
They say: everything has already been done.

But I believe this sort of transcendence to be possible.
I am a house-band
But yet I make art.
How do you explain this, friends?
What about the word “louge” —
An adjective describing something huge and loud.
The word did not exist
Until I uttered it by mistake.  A fortuitous slip, a neologism.

The new is always entirely possible.

I remember a childhood playpal
Telling me that he could hear — actually hear —
Chinese men cursing in San Francisco, presumably Chinatown.
Who thinks of that?

He is now making music, I am told.
I bet his music is new and grand.
Maybe even louge.

There is some work
I do better sober; other work
I do better a bit mussed,
Messed, fucked up.
So many things are possible — see?
Like the phrase,
“There’s not enough time in the day….”
I would have thought of that on a good day
But it was already taken.
Mad, I lougely curse.
Or rather I let the Chinese from San Fran do it for me.
Do you hear them also?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday

Americans twisted
with tornadoes and decisions
about who would lead.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Untitled Report on News & Religion

What about these
Islamic Courts?
I’d let my friends
dance on speakers,
wishing only that I
had bigger speakers,
or smaller friends.

They’re gonna have to
raise cop pay.
When they do that
the streets will be streaked
with blue.

Same deal with teachers and classrooms.

All I asked for
was one meal
your body
the life
the resurrection,
the denuded
weapons cache.

You said, “That’s pornographic.”
And wouldn’t let me take communion.

Hands off
to all sinners —
those who buried
their guns
will never dig deep
enough to strike the seam
once called shelter.

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