Friday, December 28, 2007


Damage by night,
Construction by day.
Boom and then depression.
Glass of this, puff of e(i)ther.
Sweat, flex, towel off.
Screw this, screw that, watch the calories.
Lunch today was a fruit bar.
Worry the afternoon,
Get ready for dinner, have a cold one.

You build something up, you build a beltway.
You find your muse and then you ask her to stop singing.

How could you do that?
You get a bunch of whiskey for Christmas,
Your friend finds you a little grass.
It's the BBC and Amy Goodman
And Tom Ashbrook "On Point" on podcast.

What can I read for information?
Democracy now, democracy now;
I need information.
I was expecting a 1% newsday and
Instead it's 54 — at which Bhutto is dead,
Suicide bombed, shot in the head.

Let's worry (instead) about our own democracy.
One heart, two hats
And a lot of confusion.
Anything could be my dreams.
My dreams as real as this.

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